
ハロウィン 2023@ 香港 / Halloween 2023@ Hong Kong

毎年ハロウィーンになると、誰もが幽霊や馬に仮装して楽しい時間を過ごします。 お祭りの仮装には、さまざまな小道具や装飾品があります。 今年も深水埗の福永街を訪れます。ここは有名なおもちゃ街で、祝日になるとそこのお店で関連おもちゃや小道具が売られます。 もちろん今年のハロウィンも例外ではなく、さまざまなおばけやモンスターに扮するためのマスクや小道具が揃っており、もちろんハロウィンの象徴であるカボチャは欠かせません。

Every Halloween, everyone takes the opportunity to dress up as ghosts and have a great time. When it comes to dressing up for the festival, there are all kinds of props and decorations. This year we continue to visit Fuk Wing Street in Sham Shui Po. This is a famous toy street. Every time there is a holiday, the shops there will sell related toys or props. This year’s Halloween is of course no exception. There are all kinds of masks and props to dress up as various ghosts and monsters, and of course the pumpkin, the symbol of Halloween, is indispensable.








各種假內臟,感覺上就cult 咗D,不過都幾應節。
各種假內臟,感覺上就cult 咗D,不過都幾應節。



今年は例年に比べて人気の映画やテレビ番組がないので、みんなで仮装できる関連キャラクターがいませんが、数年前にイカゲームが流行ったときは、関連の小道具がたくさん売られていたそうです。 、誰でも簡単に番組のキャラクターに扮装できるようになります。 とはいえ、今年が面白くないというわけではありません。 今年はよりピュアでハロウィン感満載なので、会場で見てもその雰囲気はかなり強いです。

Compared with the past, there are no popular film and television programs this year, so there are no relevant characters for everyone to dress up. It seems that when the Squid Game was very popular a few years ago, there were many related props for sale, making it easier for everyone to dress up as the characters in the show. Even so, it doesn’t mean this year won’t be exciting. This year is more pure, with a full Halloween feel, so the atmosphere is still quite strong when you watch it at the venue.

クリスマス猫 / Christmas Cart

rush20221212 cover



Designers create a unique Christmas image for cats.

Wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

クリスマスツリーのエルフをデザインする / Illustration of Christmas Tree


今年のクリスマスイラスト制作活動は、クリスマスツリーを描くことです。もちろん、クリスマスツリーだけを描くのは難しいことではありません。したがって、この活動は、クリスマスツリーの妖精/精神/精神を描くことです。 。クリスマスツリーの妖精または妖精、元々は静的なクリスマスツリーですが、みんなのペンの下でどのような新しいイメージが変わりますか?


Christmas will think of Santa Claus and Christmas gifts. In fact, there are many things related to Christmas, such as Christmas trees.

This year’s Christmas illustration creation activity is to draw a Christmas tree. Of course, drawing a Christmas tree alone is not challenging. Therefore, this activity is to design the image of the  Christmas tree. To image the Christmas tree as a elves or monster. Under the imagination of the artist, What kind of Christmas tree will be create?

Please find the illustration in page 2 

Halloween @ Hong Kong

content main page


1980年代以降、香港の人々はますますハロウィーンを好むようになりました。ハロウィーンになると、誰もがドレスアップしてカーニバルを楽しんだり、リラックスしたりします。 ドレスアップには小道具が必要ですが、今回は中環 (セントラル)と深水埗行って、ハロウィン関連の小道具やおもちゃがあるかどうかを確認します。



Since the 1980s, Hong Kong people have become more enjoy the Halloween. When it comes to Halloween, everyone will dress up and enjoy the carnival and relax. When it comes to dressing up, it need the props. This time we will go to Central and Sham Shui Po to see if there are any Halloween-related props and toys.

If you want to experience the Halloween atmosphere in Hong Kong, you must go to Lan Kwai Fong. A lot of well-dressed people gather together and take pictures of each other. The whole Lan Kwai Fong is filled with a festive atmosphere, even if you don’t. Too enjoy Halloween, you will definitely be infected by the strong atmosphere of joy when you go.

Let see the Hong Kong under Halloween


エルフの作成 / Image of elves




Suppose there are elves in the world, from the cellphones, wallets and clothes around to the plants and trees in the world, if you believe it, there are elves in it. As for what it looks like, it depends on personal imagination.

This time is the creation of the image of the elves. In order to increase the challenge and interest, the creators will submit two elements to the editorial department, and the editorial department will draw lots to determine which two It is very important to test everyone’s creativity.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

お盆の図 / Illustration of Yue Lan festival


Artist: M-Jean


For the Yue Lan festival, hope  you will not only remember ghosts. In fact, the festival is about giving generously to the poor.

想像された日本絵画コレクション / Image of Japan

流行は世界間の輸送をほとんど中断させました。過去に、あなたが飛んだならば、あなたは今飛ぶことをあえてしないかもしれません。 日本、中国、香港は多くの人が行きたい場所です。1年に何度訪れても、数年に一度でも、一度も訪れたことがなくても、彼はあなたの中にイメージを持っている必要があります。ハート。このイベントには、招待するだけです。クリエイターは心に日本を描きましたが、あなたの心に日本はどうですか?



The epidemic has almost interrupted the transportation between the world. In the past, you may go travel anytime. Japan, the country where many people like to go, especially from China and Hong Kong. It doesn’t matter how many times you have visited in a year, once in a few years, or you have never visited before. She must have an image in your heart. For this event, just invite the artist to draw the Japan in their heart.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

《財神》 絵画コレクション illustration of the God of the Wealth

旧正月は富の神が再び出て来る時です。富の神の伝統的なイメージは行き来します。彼が変わったらどうしますか? この旧正月、画家や友人のグループは、新年を祝い、すべての人に祝福を送るために、富の神のためにさまざまな画像をデザインするために頭を悩ませました。


アクション編集部では、明けましておめでとうございます。おめでとうございます! !



“Gong Xi Fa Cai", According to the traditional Chinese Culture, the God of Wealth will visit the human in the Lunar New Year. The traditional image of God of Wealth comes and goes. What if he is changed? This lunar new year,  the artist racked their brains to design various images for the God of Wealth to celebrate the New Year and send blessings to everyone.

The Action editorial department would like to wish you all a Happy New Year in advance and all the best, congratulations! !

Please find the illustration in page 2 

クリスマスの妻絵画コレクション Image of Santa’s wife

サンタクロースのイメージは、赤い帽子、赤いローブ、赤いブーツを身に着け、顔に白いひげと小さな腹を持った親切な老人にすぎません。 では、サンタクロースはどうですか? このイベントは、妻のイメージであるサンタクロースの残り半分をデザインすることです。イラストレーターの友達の創造性で、サンタクロースはどのように見えるでしょうか?

The image of Santa Claus is nothing more than a kind old man wearing a red hat, red robe and red boots, with a white beard on his face and a small belly. So what about his wife? This event is to design the image of his wife. With the creativity of the illustrator and friends, what will the Santa Claus look like?

Please find the illustration in page 2 

かわいいモンスター絵画コレクション Illustration of Cute Monster




Yokai was originally synonymous with horror, but under the human imagination, the monsters who originally lived in the dark have also begun to show their cuteness. Their triumphant and cute shapes are gradually integrated into human daily life. For example, in the Edo period of Japan, The picture scrolls of all kinds of monsters are prevalent, describing the life of the monsters, and the shapes of the monsters gradually appear in all kinds of traditional games and daily necessities.

This time, the creators will give the monsters a cute look and make everyone feel the charm of different monsters.

Please find the illustration in page 2