
怖いモンスター絵画コレクション Illustration of Scary monster

自然への畏怖と恐怖から、人の心の中に「怪物」が生まれます。怪物と言えば、当然「恐怖」を連想させます。恐怖の数は人によって異なります。 今回はイラストレーターが怖いモンスターを作ってくれましたが、見た後、夜中にトイレに行けないくらい怖いのなら、大変申し訳ありません。



Out of awe and fear of nature, “monsters" are born in people’s minds. When talking about monsters, they naturally associate “horror". As for how many horrors there are, it varies from person to person. This time the illustrators have created scary monsters.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

美人絵画コレクション Illustration of Beauty

可愛い女の子と可愛い女の子を見るのは人間の本性なので、当然彼らはもっと見るでしょう。 今回のイベントでは、美しい女の子を描きます。画家や友達のペンの中には、キュートで優しく、魅惑的で、タフで、スタイリッシュな、さまざまなスタイルの美しい女の子がいます。あなたが望むか、考えることができないすべて。




It’s human nature to look at the beautiful things, so naturally they will look more at it. In this edition of the event, we will draw beautiful girls. In the pens of painters , beautiful girls of different styles are in front of us, cute, gentle, enchanting, tough, and stylish…In short, you may find one of the style you like.

Of course, there are pretty and handsome, but for the reason of lady first, we will draw pretty girls first in this issue, and you will be on stage in the next issue.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

勵ます絵画コレクション Positive Energy





There are always setbacks in life. It is natural to feel frustrated at the moment of frustration, but as long as you bite your teeth and hold on to it, adversity will always pass. Looking back in the future, the previous adversity is just a glorious journey in life.

In this issue, illustrators are invited to cheer everyone up in adversity with their works. I hope that everyone will hold positive energy, face the difficulties and overcome difficulties.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

春貼絵画コレクション Illustration of Red Banner





No matter how exquisite the design of Red Banner is, it is mainly written. In this Lunar New Year, Action will invite the artists to design the image-based Read Banner with the theme of “Picture Red Banner “.

We wish you all the best luck in the Year of the Rat. Congratulations.

Please find the illustration in page 2 

香港の印象絵画コレクション Image of Hong Kong


過去に比べて、香港で制作された映画は決して活況を呈していませんが、国際的な映画業界では、香港で制作された映画には場所が必要です。香港で制作された映画は、主題と撮影の面で比類のない影響力を持っています。力。 たとえば、香港スタイルのアクション映画や警察や犯罪者は、かつて世界を狂ったように一掃したことはなく、ハリウッド映画の制作に一定のインスピレーションを与えています。





Compared with the past, Hong Kong’s movies are definitely not booming. However, in the international film industry, Hong Kong’s movies must have a place. For example, Hong Kong-style action movies have not once swept the world madly, and they have a certain inspiration for the production of Hollywood movies.

Hong Kong’s movies as an ID card of Hong Kong. It is Hong Kong’s unique culture. Many people may have never been to Hong Kong, but they will have seen Hong Kong’s movies. Their impression of Hong Kong originated from Hong Kong. Some fragments of the production film.

This time we invited the artists  to share their impression of Hong Kong from Hong Kong’s movies. How is Hong Kong under their brushes different from what we are used to?

Please find the illustration in page 2 

ゾンビキラーマスターリン / Zombie Killer Master Lin



Artist: Johnson



Master Lin Ching Ying, a predecessor who worked silently for Hong Kong films.

He didn’t win too many honors and awards in life, but we will always missing him  in our hearts, especially the seventh month of the lunar calendar.