
瑞獣(ずいじゅう)の図 / New image of Chinese auspicious animals




In traditional Chinese mythology, there are various auspicious animals, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc. They symbolize auspiciousness, and when they appear in the human world, they will bring people a sense of good omen.

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, we will design with the theme of auspicious animals to give a new image to the traditional auspicious animals. Through this event, we wish all readers a happy new year and good health.

Happy Chinese New Year.







クリスマスツリーのエルフをデザインする / Illustration of Christmas Tree


今年のクリスマスイラスト制作活動は、クリスマスツリーを描くことです。もちろん、クリスマスツリーだけを描くのは難しいことではありません。したがって、この活動は、クリスマスツリーの妖精/精神/精神を描くことです。 。クリスマスツリーの妖精または妖精、元々は静的なクリスマスツリーですが、みんなのペンの下でどのような新しいイメージが変わりますか?


Christmas will think of Santa Claus and Christmas gifts. In fact, there are many things related to Christmas, such as Christmas trees.

This year’s Christmas illustration creation activity is to draw a Christmas tree. Of course, drawing a Christmas tree alone is not challenging. Therefore, this activity is to design the image of the  Christmas tree. To image the Christmas tree as a elves or monster. Under the imagination of the artist, What kind of Christmas tree will be create?

Please find the illustration in page 2 

聖誕樹妖 / 精 / 靈



今年聖誕節的插畫創作活動,就是畫聖誕樹,當然,單畫聖誕樹就太沒有挑戰性了,因此今次活動是畫聖誕樹妖 / 精 / 靈 ,請創作們動下腦筋,設計出一個擬人化的聖誕樹妖或精,本來一棵靜態的聖誕樹,在大家的筆下,會變化出什麼新形象呢?

エルフの作成 / Image of elves




Suppose there are elves in the world, from the cellphones, wallets and clothes around to the plants and trees in the world, if you believe it, there are elves in it. As for what it looks like, it depends on personal imagination.

This time is the creation of the image of the elves. In order to increase the challenge and interest, the creators will submit two elements to the editorial department, and the editorial department will draw lots to determine which two It is very important to test everyone’s creativity.

Please find the illustration in page 2 







お盆の図 / Illustration of Yue Lan festival


Artist: M-Jean


For the Yue Lan festival, hope  you will not only remember ghosts. In fact, the festival is about giving generously to the poor.

鎧の図 / Illustration of your own armor

いわゆる装甲戦場、誰もが自分の戦場を持っているので、鎧もさまざまです、クリーナーの鎧は反射服と水靴です;サイトの男の鎧はヘルメットと安全靴です;の鎧は営業担当者、もちろん綺麗なスーツです。 そして女性の鎧、それは悪魔の姿をした天使の顔、そして美しい衣装でしょうか?




The so-called armored battlefield, everyone has their own battlefield, so the armor is also various, the armor of the cleaner is reflective clothing and water boots; the armor of the site worker is the helmet and safety shoes; as for the armor of the salesperson, Of course it is a beautiful suit. And the armor of a woman, will it be an angel face with a devil figure, and a beautiful outfit?

The cleaner, the salesperson, and the woman…… Everyone has different armors. In this issue, everyone will use armor as the topic to design a set of armors that they wear when they break into their own battlefields and open up their own fields.

Please find the illustration in page 2 




魔幻香港絵画コレクション / Fantacy Hong Kong

香港は唐のスーツを着ている人のようなものですが、ネクタイを着て、寿司、コーヒー、ご飯を楽しみ、ミルクティーをため息をつきます。 香港の独特の土壌は、さまざまなまったく異なる文化がここに根付いて融合し、独特の香港スタイルを生み出します。このような多様性が香港を非常に魔幻のように感じさせます。一部の人々はそれを呼ぶことさえあります。 「魔幻の;都」。「香港を説明する。 このイベントでは、魔幻の香港を大胆に心に描いていただきたいと思います。



Hong Kong is like a person wearing a Tang suit, but wearing a tie, while enjoying sushi, coffee and rice, and sighing a cup of milk tea. The unique soil of Hong Kong allows a variety of completely different cultures to take root here and merge with each other, resulting in a unique Hong Kong style. It is this kind of diversity that makes Hong Kong feel quite magical. Some people even call it “Fantacy City". “To describe Hong Kong. In this event, we will invite everyone to boldly draw the magical Hong Kong in their hearts.

Please find the illustration in page 2