このエピソードでは、寺院ではありませんが、その独特の外観が、平凡な街並みを突然魔法のように変えるユニークな建物を見に来ます。 「龍慶堂 (Lung Hing Tong)」は1982年に建てられた赤と緑をメインカラーにした建物で、外観は中国の伝統的な特色が溢れています。瓦屋根と鶴、龍、鹿などの装飾文様が特徴です。その独特な外観のため、その形状は多くの装飾を施しています。通り過ぎる人が二度見する。
In different previous episodes, we have visited some temples or churches hidden in downtown Hong Kong. These traditional buildings add a unique flavor to modern Hong Kong.
In this episode, we come to Prince Edward to see a unique building. It is not a temple, but its design is full of traditional Chinese characteristics. Its unique appearance makes the ordinary street scene suddenly become magical. It is the " Lung Hing Tong " is a building built in 1982 with red and green as the main color and full of traditional Chinese characteristics in appearance. It has a tiled roof and decorative patterns such as cranes, dragons and deers. Because of its unique appearance The shape makes many people who pass by take a second look.
Let’s take a look at this unique building.
The following map indicates the places introduced in this column, which is convenient for you to check and explore.