在香港島的鵝頸橋 (即堅拿道天橋) 一向是小人的熱門地方,傳統上,打小人一般會在陰暗的地方進行,而橋底這類地方就非常適合,因此鵝頸橋就慢慢發展成為打小人的勝地。
至於打小人的最佳日子是在驚蟄,驚蟄作為二十四節氣之一,每年西曆3月5或者6號為驚蟄,在這一天,很多冬眠或者潛藏在地下過冬的昆蟲或者動物都會甦醒,重新活動,寓意萬物更新。因為萬物開始甦醒,那可能包括咗一了一些不好的事物,例如惡運或愚昧也會同步甦醒,因此這個時候就適合打小人,所謂打小人,目的是驅除一些對自己不利的事情,例如惡運。換個角度,其實是為自己祈福,而非通過打小人去對某 人施加詛咒。
香港島鵝頸橋 (堅拿道天橋) は常に打小人 (ダーシュウヤン)に人気の場所です。伝統的に打小人 (ダーシュウヤン)すのは通常暗い場所で行われ、橋の底のような場所は非常に適しています。ブリッジ それは徐々に打小人 (ダーシュウヤン)すためのリゾートに発展しました。
打小人 (ダーシュウヤン)うのに最適な日としては、二十四節気の一つである啓蟄があり、西暦で毎年3月5日か6日に行われ、この日には冬眠したり地中に隠れていた昆虫や動物が多く集まります。冬が目を覚ます 再活性化とは、すべてのものの更新を意味します。 すべてのものは目覚め始めていますが、その中には不運や無知などの悪いものも含まれている可能性がありますが、それらも同時に目覚めます。不運など、自分にとってよくないものを取り除く。 見方を変えると、悪人を叩いて誰かに呪いを課すのではなく、実は自分自身のために祈ることなのです。
The Gooseneck Bridge (i.e. Canal Road Flyover) on Hong Kong Island has always been a popular place for Villains Hitting. Traditionally, Villains Hitting are usually carried out in dark places, and places like the bottom of the bridge are very suitable. Therefore, the Gooseneck Bridge It gradually developed into a resort for Villains Hitting.
As for the best day to Villains Hitting, Awakening of Insects is one of the 24 solar terms. Awakening of Insects is held on March 5 or 6 every year in the Western calendar. On this day, many insects or animals that have hibernated or hid underground for the winter will wake up. Reactivation means the renewal of all things. Because all things are beginning to wake up, which may include some bad things, such as bad luck or ignorance, they will also wake up at the same time. Therefore, this is the time to hit the villains. The purpose of Villains Hitting is to get rid of things that are not good for you. , such as bad luck. From another perspective, it is actually to pray for yourself, rather than to impose a curse on someone by Villains Hitting.
The area around the Gooseneck Bridge is all high-rise buildings, a modern scene, but there is a place for traditional ceremonies under the bridge. The contrast between the two is extremely high. This strong contrast between the old and the new yet blends into each other is exactly what Hong Kong has to offer. Characteristics are also the unique magic that makes Hong Kong attractive.